CLIENT: Kubota Tractor Corporation
Kubota has a sales contest to reward their top dealerships. The top qualifiers get an all expense paid trip to Australia for two. The one of a kind trip includes hosted events and activities. The final night experience is an award recognition ceremony. The venue for the final night has a 360 degree view of the Sydney harbor. As the creative team lead for the project, I coordinated with the marketing, sales and travel departments to develop the engagement campaign. Playing off the final night venue, we chose the theme Sydney 360.
The full marketing campaign included website design, custom gifts, packaging design, video creation, signage design, custom amenities, trade booth design and multiple types of print pieces. We also designed menus, maps, banners and daily room drop cards.

We used the five senses of human experience to illustrate different aspects of Australia. We coordinated each sense with a customized gift to further tie in our theme, Sydney 360. To excite the audience, we mailed each qualifier the custom gift (teaser) and note card describing the sense. In each case, the participant was challenged to go to the website to learn and see more. For instance, when mailing the boomerang, to illustrate "touch," we hired an Australian talent to create an instructional video on how to throw it. For "taste" we created a custom spice mix and designed packaging to go with it. In all cases, there was an engagement piece on the website to correlate with each mailing.